AMSANT was proud to partner with Winkiku Rrumbangi NT Indigenous Lawyers Aboriginal Corporation in holding the first conference in Australia focusing on Health Justice in the Indigenous context – the Indigenous Health Justice Conference, held in conjunction with the 14th National Indigenous Legal Conference at the Darwin Convention Centre on 13-14th August.

AMSANT’s Chair, Barb Shaw, gave an opening plenary speech which you can read here.

Barb Shaw spoke to a motion passed by the Conference attendees condemning the NT Govt’s announcement that the new youth detention facility will be built next to the adult facility, against the recommendations of the Royal Commission – read here.

The hashtag for the conference was #NILCIHJC2019

Barb Shaw addressing the conference. Photo credit: Nagalya (@Ngalaya)

The conference discussed the many ways justice and health are deeply linked, including how culturally safe health & legal services are working together in health justice partnerships, including between NAAJA and Miwatj Health and Danila Dilba and NT Legal Aid.


Session addressing health justice partnerships. Photo credit: Roxy Moore (@Roxy_Moore_)