When a child turns 14 years of age, and they do not have their own My Health Record,  Medicare information such as Medicare billing, pharmaceutical benefits (script information) and child immunisation register information will CEASE to be sent to their record.

A parent who has a child linked to their record will continue to see information such as shared health summaries and event summaries after the child turns 14 but will cease to be able to see any MBS,PBS or immunisation details after the date the child turned 14.  A healthcare provider will not be able to see this information either.

To enable the Medicare information to continue to be sent, a child must take control of their My Health Record, by setting up a My Gov account and linking their My Health Record.  Once they have done this they may nominate their parent to access their information.

We at AMSANT acknowledge that this process is difficult, and at most impossible for many people, and are working with the Department of Human services and other agencies to see if there is an alternate and more suitable solution.