In the first partnership of its kind in Australia three lead health organisations in the Northern Territory; Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance (AMSANT), Northern Territory Health (NT Health) and Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN) have formed a collaborative partnership with a shared purpose to strengthen our health system through the increased use of digital health technologies enabling new ways of working.

The Strengthening Our Health System Strategy 2020-2025 sets out the vision and strategic goals, over the next five years, that aim to harness the collective skills and knowledge of all three organisations and bring together fragmented digital technology systems and processes for the benefit of Territorians.

Click here  to read the Strengthening our Health System Strategy 2020-2025.

The first approved program under the Strengthening Our Health System Strategy 2020 – 2025 is the East Arnhem Communities of Excellence (CoE) which sits under Strategic Goal 1: Building healthier communities.  This is a collaboration between the three organisations and the Australian Digital Health Agency.  The Agency have provided funding for 12 months for this important project.

The CoE program is a national initiative to create learnings from a fully connected community, which could be replicated across similar communities. The aim is to embed digital health capabilities across targeted communities. It is expected that the program will assist in improving health care provision and ultimately health outcomes by bringing health care providers and organisations together to better connect health care delivery, improve transitions of care, improve information sharing and improve digital health literacy for both health care providers and consumers.

Strengthening Our Health System Strategy 2020 – 2025