17 Sept 2020

Unacceptable COVID risk in the Barkly

AMSANT today expressed alarm that workers from COVID hot spot, Melbourne, have been granted an exemption from compulsory supervised quarantining and are living in Tennant Creek while working at a location in the Barkly.

AMSANT CEO, John Paterson, said the situation poses an unacceptable risk and has not been explained by the government.

“It has been made clear to AMSANT by the NT Government that no exemptions will be given from compulsory supervised quarantine for people from hot spots – even for critical health staff”, Mr Paterson said. “AMSANT supports this stance as it follows the evidence of what we must do to protect our community from COVID-19.

“It is therefore hard to understand why this exemption has been given and why workers could not have
been sourced from outside a hot spot”.

Click here to read the full AMSANT Media Release.
Click here for the Anyinginyi Media Release – COVID double standard for the Barkly.